Do you feel like you’ve been struggling to juggle work, family, the house, and your life lately? These 30 mental health journal prompts will help you assess your wellbeing and work-life balance and take action to BOOST your happiness! They will help you find:
- How you currently feel about your work-life balance and what impact it has on your mood?
- What is causing you to feel an imbalance?
- The actions you can take to improve your work-life balance and ultimately boost your happiness and overall wellbeing.

The 30 Mental Health Journal Prompts
- What is my personal preference for managing the work-life interface – integration or separation?
- Integration means work and outside-of-work tasks create a synergy, alternating throughout your day. It doesn’t mean you’re doing both at the same time though, i.e. multi-tasking (which is not a good strategy).
- Separation means you prefer a clean boundary between work and life.
- What am I doing when I’m able to completely detach and not think about work?
- Am I more productive in the morning or evening? Can I switch up some of my tasks to get more done when I’m most productive?
- What am I sacrificing at the moment? Is this something I value? How can I get this back?
- What does my ideal workday look like? Who am I meeting with? What task am I doing for the most part? Where am I?
- What unhealthy work habits do I need to cut out? (Here’s a list of 9 bad work habits you can start with)
- What behaviours am I engaging in which make me feel bad about myself?
- What are the 3 things I find most annoying about my job? If flexibility is one of them, check out this guide on how to negotiate work flexibility for good.
- What are 3 things I struggle with at work? What are 3 things I struggle with in my personal life?
- How do I spend the time when I’m not working or doing house/childcare tasks? How much time do I spend on Social Media?
- What are the 3 tasks I spend the most time on at work? Can these be automated, delegated, or removed?
- Is my partner doing an equal share of the house (and childcare) tasks? Why not? (If you’re looking for ways to change this, check out this comprehensive guide to get him to do his share).
- What are 5 traits I have which helped me overcome challenges in the past?
- Who are 5 people I can lean on for support with difficult tasks or in difficult times?
- What are some tasks I can outsource or delegate?
- What is the time of the day/week when I can dedicate 30 min solely to myself? What am I going to spend that time doing (e.g. taking a bath, exercising, reading etc).
- What gives me anxiety on a Sunday night?
- What are some positive habits I can adopt as quick wins to combat stress? (Such as walk and talk meetings, a gratitude journal, power meditation sessions, or check these 12 science-backed ways to reduce stress.)
- What drains me mentally, in my personal or professional life? What can I do to remove or at least reduce the impact of these mental stressors?
- How am I sleeping? How can I improve my sleep quality if I can’t increase the quantity? (Some products which are proven to improve sleep quality are a weighted blanket, calming aromatherapy sleep set, a white noise machine.)
- How did I react the last time I was under a lot of pressure? Looking back, was this a rational reaction that helped me cope?
- What are 3 things I should do next time I’m facing a challenge before I react/jump into action?
- What emotions do I experience at the end of a day?
- How happy and satisfied did I feel yesterday?
- How do I feel right now?
- Have I been through much change in life/work lately? How have I coped with the change?
- How have others described my mood lately?
- What are 3 things in my life which I’m in complete control of? (It’s easy to say ‘All I can do is wait and see’. Taking action empowers you, gives you confidence, a sense of control, and purpose.)
- What are 5 things I achieved recently that make me proud?
- Do I feel appropriately rewarded for my efforts at work? (This could include non-monetary rewards as well, such as satisfaction with what you do, appreciation, etc. And if you think you’re underpaid, read our thorough guide on how to ask for a pay rise to really get it)
- If I had a magic wand, what is 1 thing I would change right now?
Are you ready to take action? Click HERE to download these mental health journal prompts in an editable format ready to complete on your computer or mobile device!

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